The Geneva Global Governance Observatory

Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), and hosted at the Centre for International and Environmental Studies (CIES), the PANARCHIC: Power and Networks and the Rate of Change in Institutional Complexes project began in September 2020. Its aim: to contribute three pillars – theory, method, and empirics – to the comparative analysis of institutional (aka regime or governance) complexity. The Global Governance Observatory is the repository for the empirical collections of the project.

The Global Governance Observatory collects and extends existing datasets on global governance in various domains, arraying them in ensembles that enable users to employ sophisticated, nuanced, robust, and replicable analyses.

Tools to download and work with the data are available in R via manydata. This package is in turn supported by manypkgs, for creating and extending manydata packages, and messydates, for working with a more flexible class of dates in R. Currently there are 5 data packages available through the manydata package:

Also supported by the project is development on 3 network methodological packages:

While this website is a work-in-progress, these projects are nearing maturity, and are intended to be useful beyond the project, so please check them out and let us know how they meet or diverge from your expectations.

Meet the team


James Hollway

Principal Investigator


Henrique Sposito

Research Assistant


Jael Tan

Research Assistant


Bernhard Bieri

Alumnus, 2022


Esther Peev

Alumna, 2022


Diego Del Moral Suarez

Alumnus, 2023


Anders Viemose

Alumnus, 2023

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