Identify the linkage between amendments and protocols to a main agreement.
- title
A character vector of treaty title
- date
A date variable
- return_all
Do you want all the variables to be returned in a list? By default, FALSE.
The function identifies duplicates by excluding
"predictable" words from strings, this maintains key words then used
to identify and link duplicates.
This is a choice that considers errors should lie on the side of false
negatives rather than false positives.
For the complete list of words removed from title to identify
duplicates please run the function without arguments
(i.e. code_linkage()
# \donttest{
IEADB <- dplyr::slice_sample(manyenviron::agreements$IEADB, n = 10)
code_linkage(IEADB$Title, IEADB$Signature)
#> ✔ Coded agreement parties
#> ✔ Coded agreement type
#> ✔ Coded known agreements
#> ✔ Coded agreement dates
#> ✔ Coded acronyms for agreements
#> [1] "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
# }