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Save a cleaned data object, consistent with the manydata universe, ready to be lazy-loaded and create scripts for documenting and testing that object within the new package.


export_data(..., database, URL)



Unquoted name of the dataset object to save.


Quoted name of any existing database or of the database to be created.


website URL to the source of a dataset.


This function saves the dataset to the named database, silently creates a set of tests for this dataset, and creates and opens documentation for the dataset.


The function creates a data directory, if nonexistent, and saves cleaned data. The functions also creates a script for testing the cleaned data and make sure it complies with manydata requirements. As well, it creates a documentation script to help documenting data sources and describing variables. Note that users need to provide a .bib file for citation purposes alongside their dataset in the corresponding data-raw subfolder.


if (FALSE) {
export_data(COW, database = "states",
URL = "")