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states database documentation




The states database is a list that contains the following 7 datasets: GW, ISD, COW, ICOW, ICOW_COL, RATRULES, HUGGO_STATES. For more information and references to each of the datasets used, please use the data_source() and data_contrast() functions.


A dataset with 216 observations and the following 5 variables: cowID, Beg, End, cowNR, StateName.


A dataset with 362 observations and the following 7 variables: cowID, Beg, End, cowNR, StateName, Micro, NewState.


A dataset with 243 observations and the following 5 variables: cowID, Beg, End, cowNR, StateName.


A dataset with 217 observations and the following 15 variables: cowID, StateName, ColRuler, IndFrom, IndDate, IndViol, IndType, SecFrom, SecDate, SecViol, Into, IntoDate, COWsys, GWsys, Notes.


A dataset with 221 observations and the following 9 variables: cowID, cowNR, StateName, Beg, cowID_Origin, IndepType, Beg_COW, Beg_GW, Beg_Polity2.


A dataset with 177 observations and the following 3 variables: stateID, StateName, RatProcedure.


A dataset with 574 observations and the following 12 variables: stateID, StateName, Capital, Beg, End, Latitude, Longitude, Area, Region, RatProcedure, Constitutional Description, Source.


#> $GW
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |  Column Name  |  Data Type  |  Observations  |  Missing  |  Missing (%)  |
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |     cowID     |  character  |             216|     0     |       0       |
#> |      Beg      |    mdate    |             216|     0     |       0       |
#> |      End      |    mdate    |             216|     0     |       0       |
#> |     cowNR     |  character  |             216|     0     |       0       |
#> |   StateName   |  character  |             216|     0     |       0       |
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> $ISD
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |  Column Name  |  Data Type  |  Observations  |  Missing  |  Missing (%)  |
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |     cowID     |  character  |             362|     0     |       0       |
#> |      Beg      |    mdate    |             362|     0     |       0       |
#> |      End      |    mdate    |             362|     0     |       0       |
#> |     cowNR     |  character  |             362|     0     |       0       |
#> |   StateName   |  character  |             362|     0     |       0       |
#> |     Micro     |  character  |             362|     0     |       0       |
#> |   NewState    |  character  |             362|     0     |       0       |
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> $COW
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |  Column Name  |  Data Type  |  Observations  |  Missing  |  Missing (%)  |
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |     cowID     |  character  |             243|     0     |       0       |
#> |      Beg      |    mdate    |             243|     0     |       0       |
#> |      End      |    mdate    |             243|     0     |       0       |
#> |     cowNR     |  character  |             243|     0     |       0       |
#> |   StateName   |  character  |             243|     0     |       0       |
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> $ICOW
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |  Column Name  |  Data Type  |  Observations  |  Missing  |  Missing (%)  |
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |     cowID     |  character  |             217|     0     |       0       |
#> |   StateName   |  character  |             217|     0     |       0       |
#> |   ColRuler    |   numeric   |             217|    46     |     21.2      |
#> |    IndFrom    |   numeric   |             217|    39     |     17.97     |
#> |    IndDate    |    mdate    |             217|     0     |       0       |
#> |    IndViol    |   numeric   |             217|     0     |       0       |
#> |    IndType    |   numeric   |             217|     0     |       0       |
#> |    SecFrom    |   numeric   |             217|    179    |     82.49     |
#> |    SecDate    |    mdate    |             217|    179    |     82.49     |
#> |    SecViol    |   numeric   |             217|    179    |     82.49     |
#> |     Into      |   numeric   |             217|    198    |     91.24     |
#> |   IntoDate    |    mdate    |             217|    198    |     91.24     |
#> |    COWsys     |    mdate    |             217|     0     |       0       |
#> |     GWsys     |    mdate    |             217|    22     |     10.14     |
#> |     Notes     |  character  |             217|    58     |     26.73     |
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |  Column Name  |  Data Type  |  Observations  |  Missing  |  Missing (%)  |
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |     cowID     |  character  |             221|     2     |      0.9      |
#> |     cowNR     |   numeric   |             221|     0     |       0       |
#> |   StateName   |  character  |             221|     0     |       0       |
#> |      Beg      |    mdate    |             221|     0     |       0       |
#> | cowID_Origin  |   numeric   |             221|     0     |       0       |
#> |   IndepType   |   numeric   |             221|     0     |       0       |
#> |    Beg_COW    |    mdate    |             221|     0     |       0       |
#> |    Beg_GW     |    mdate    |             221|    23     |     10.41     |
#> |  Beg_Polity2  |    mdate    |             221|    74     |     33.48     |
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |  Column Name  |  Data Type  |  Observations  |  Missing  |  Missing (%)  |
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |    stateID    |  character  |             177|     0     |       0       |
#> |   StateName   |  character  |             177|     0     |       0       |
#> | RatProcedure  |   numeric   |             177|     0     |       0       |
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |       Column Name        |  Data Type  |  Observations  |  Missing  |  Missing (%)  |
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |         stateID          |  character  |             574|     0     |       0       |
#> |        StateName         |  character  |             574|    125    |     21.78     |
#> |         Capital          |  character  |             574|     0     |       0       |
#> |           Beg            |    mdate    |             574|    257    |     44.77     |
#> |           End            |    mdate    |             574|    257    |     44.77     |
#> |         Latitude         |  character  |             574|    234    |     40.77     |
#> |        Longitude         |  character  |             574|    234    |     40.77     |
#> |           Area           |  character  |             574|    343    |     59.76     |
#> |          Region          |  character  |             574|    197    |     34.32     |
#> |       RatProcedure       |  character  |             574|    542    |     94.43     |
#> |Constitutional Description|  character  |             574|    542    |     94.43     |
#> |          Source          |  character  |             574|    533    |     92.86     |
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------