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Recent extensions to standardised date notation in ISO 8601-2_2019(E) create space for unspecified, uncertain, and approximate dates, as well as succinct representation of ranges of dates. These functions create and validate a new date class for R that can contain and parse these annotations, and are not typically user-facing. Please see as_messydate() for the user-facing coercion function.


new_messydate(x = character())




A character scalar or vector in the expected "yyyy-mm-dd" format annotated, as necessary, according to ISO 8601-2_2019(E).


Object of class mdate

Date annotations

Unspecified date components, such as when the day is unknown, can be represented by one or more Xs in place of the digits. The modifier * is recommended to indicate that the entire time scale component value is unspecified, e.g. X*-03-03, however this is not implemented here. Please be explicit about the digits that are unspecified, e.g. XXXX-03-03 expresses 3rd March in some unspecified year, whereas 2003-XX-03 expresses the 3rd of some month in 2003. If time components are not given, they are expanded to this.

Approximate date components, modified by ~, represent an estimate whose value is asserted to be possibly correct. For example, 2003~-03-03 The degree of confidence in approximation depends on the application.

Uncertain date components, modified by ?, represent a date component whose source is considered to be dubious and therefore not to be relied upon. An additional modifier, %, is used to indicate a value that is both uncertain and approximate.

Date sets

These functions also introduce standard notation for ranges of dates. Rather than the typical R notation for ranges, :, ISO 8601-2_2019(E) recommends ... This then can be applied between two time scale components to create a standard range between these dates (inclusive), e.g. 2009-01-01..2019-01-01. But it can also be used as an affix, indicating "on or before" if used as a prefix, e.g. ..2019-01-01, or indicating "on or after" if used as a suffix, e.g. 2009-01-01...

And lastly, notation for sets of dates is also included. Here braces, {}, are used to mean "all members of the set", while brackets, [], are used to mean "one member of the set".

See also
