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Composes mdate from multiple variables


make_messydate(..., resequence = FALSE)



One (yyyy-mm-dd), two (yyyy-mm-dd, yyyy-mm-dd), or three (yyyy, mm, dd) variables.


Users have the option to choose the order for ambiguous dates with or without separators (e.g. "11-01-12" or "20112112"). NULL by default. Other options include: 'dmy', 'ymd', 'mdy', 'ym', 'my' and 'interactive' If 'dmy', dates are converted from DDMMYY format for 6 digit dates, or DDMMYYYY format for 8 digit dates. If 'ymd', dates are converted from YYMMDD format for 6 digit dates, or YYYYMMDD format for 8 digit dates. If 'mdy', dates are converted from MMDDYY format for 6 digit dates or MMDDYYYY format for 8 digit dates. For these three options, ambiguous dates are converted to YY-MM-DD format for 6 digit dates, or YYYY-MM-DD format for 8 digit dates. If 'my', ambiguous 6 digit dates are converted from MM-YYYY format to YYYY-MM. If 'ym', ambiguous 6 digit dates are converted to YYYY-MM format. If 'interactive', it prompts users to select the existing component order of ambiguous dates, based on which the date is reordered into YYYY-MM-DD format and further completed to YYYY-MM-DD format if they choose to do so.


If three date variables are passed to make_messydate(), function will create a single date (yyyy-mm-dd) from it. If two date variables are passed to make_messydate(), function will create a range of dates from it (yyyy-mm-dd..yyyy-mm-dd). If one date variable is passed to make_messydate(), function defaults to as_messydate().


make_messydate("2010", "10", "10")
#>  'mdate' chr "2010-10-10"