These methods coerce various date classes into the mdate class. They represent the main user-facing class-creating functions in the package. In addition to the typical date classes in R (Date, POSIXct, and POSIXlt), there is also a direct method for converting text or character strings to mdate. The function can also extract dates from text, though this is a work-in-progress and currently only works in English.

as_messydate(x, resequence = FALSE)

# S3 method for Date
as_messydate(x, resequence = FALSE)

# S3 method for POSIXct
as_messydate(x, resequence = FALSE)

# S3 method for POSIXlt
as_messydate(x, resequence = FALSE)

# S3 method for character
as_messydate(x, resequence = NULL)

# S3 method for list
as_messydate(x, resequence = FALSE)

mdate(x, resequence = FALSE)

make_messydate(..., resequence = FALSE)



A scalar or vector of a class that can be coerced into mdate, such as Date, POSIXct, POSIXlt, or character.


Users have the option to choose the order for ambiguous dates with or without separators (e.g. "11-01-12" or "20112112"). NULL by default. Other options include: 'dmy', 'ymd', 'mdy', 'ym', 'my' and 'interactive' If 'dmy', dates are converted from DDMMYY format for 6 digit dates, or DDMMYYYY format for 8 digit dates. If 'ymd', dates are converted from YYMMDD format for 6 digit dates, or YYYYMMDD format for 8 digit dates. If 'mdy', dates are converted from MMDDYY format for 6 digit dates or MMDDYYYY format for 8 digit dates. For these three options, ambiguous dates are converted to YY-MM-DD format for 6 digit dates, or YYYY-MM-DD format for 8 digit dates. If 'my', ambiguous 6 digit dates are converted from MM-YYYY format to YYYY-MM. If 'ym', ambiguous 6 digit dates are converted to YYYY-MM format. If 'interactive', it prompts users to select the existing component order of ambiguous dates, based on which the date is reordered into YYYY-MM-DD format and further completed to YYYY-MM-DD format if they choose to do so.


One (yyyy-mm-dd), two (yyyy-mm-dd, yyyy-mm-dd), or three (yyyy, mm, dd) variables.


A mdate class object


If three date variables are passed to make_messydate(), function will create a single date (yyyy-mm-dd) from it. If two date variables are passed to make_messydate(), function will create a range of dates from it (yyyy-mm-dd..yyyy-mm-dd). If one date variable is passed to make_messydate(), function defaults to as_messydate().


  • as_messydate(): Core mdate class coercion function

  • as_messydate(Date): Coerce from Date to mdate class

  • as_messydate(POSIXct): Coerce from POSIXct to mdate class

  • as_messydate(POSIXlt): Coerce from POSIXlt to mdate class

  • as_messydate(character): Coerce character date objects to mdate class

  • as_messydate(list): Coerce list date objects to the most concise representation of mdate class

  • make_messydate(): Composes mdate from multiple variables


#>  'mdate' chr "2021"
#>  'mdate' chr "2021-02"
#>  'mdate' chr "2021-02-01"
#>  'mdate' chr "2021-02-01"
as_messydate("1 February 2021")
#>  'mdate' chr "2021-02-01"
as_messydate("First of February, two thousand and twenty-one")
#>  'mdate' chr "2021-02-01"
#>  'mdate' chr "2021-02-01?"
#>  'mdate' chr "2021-02-01~"
#>  'mdate' chr "2021-02-01%"
#>  'mdate' chr "2021-02-01..2021-02-28"
#>  'mdate' chr "{2021-02-01,2021-02-28}"
as_messydate(c("-2021", "2021 BC", "-2021-02-01"))
#>  'mdate' chr [1:3] "-2021" "-2021" "-2021-02-01"
as_messydate(c("210201", "20210201"), resequence = "ymd")
#>  'mdate' chr [1:2] "21-02-01" "2021-02-01"
as_messydate(c("010221", "01022021"), resequence = "dmy")
#>  'mdate' chr [1:2] "21-02-01" "2021-02-01"
# as_messydate(c("01-02-21", "01-02-2021", "01-02-91", "01-02-1991"),
# resequence = "interactive")
as_messydate(list(c("2012-06-01", "2012-06-02", "2012-06-03")))
#> [[1]]
#>  'mdate' chr "2012-06-01..2012-06-03"
as_messydate(list(c("2012-06-01", "2012-06-02", "2012-06-03",
"{2012-06-01, 2012-06-02, 2012-06-03}", "2012-06-01", "2012-06-03")))
#> [[1]]
#>  'mdate' chr "{2012-06-01..2012-06-03,2012-06-01..2012-06-03,2012-06-01,2012-06-03}"
make_messydate("2010", "10", "10")
#>  'mdate' chr "2010-10-10"