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Logical operations on messy dates


# S3 method for class 'mdate'
e1 < e2

# S3 method for class 'mdate'
e1 > e2

# S3 method for class 'mdate'
e1 <= e2

# S3 method for class 'mdate'
e1 >= e2


e1, e2

mdate or other class objects


  • < : tests whether the dates in the first vector precede the dates in the second vector. Returns NA when the date order can't be determined.

  • > : tests whether the dates in the first vector succeed the dates in the second vector. Returns NA when the date order can't be determined.

  • <= : tests whether the dates in the first vector are equal to or precede the dates in the second vector. Returns NA when the date order can't be determined.

  • >= : tests whether the dates in the first vector are equal to or succeed the dates in the second vector. Returns NA when the date order can't be determined.


as_messydate("2012-06-02") > as.Date("2012-06-01") # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
# 2012-06-XX could mean 2012-06-03, so unknown if it comes before 2012-06-02
as_messydate("2012-06-XX") < as.Date("2012-06-02") # NA
#> [1] NA
# But 2012-06-XX cannot be before 2012-06-01
as_messydate("2012-06-XX") >= as.Date("2012-06-01") # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE