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manyhealth Data

manyhealth package contains four datacubes, including data on health agreements, state memberships to these agreements, the lineage of these agreements, and organizations involved in global health governance. This vignette briefly introduces each of these datacubes.

The agreements datacube contains 3 datasets (WHO, GHHR, and HUGGO) with a total of 509 observations. The WHO dataset contains agreements from the World Health Organization. The GHHR dataset contains data from the Global Health and Human Rights database. The HUGGO dataset contains a handcoded data of the health agreements identified in the WHO and GHHR datasets, improving on the precision of dates, resolving any conflicts between these datasets, correcting incorrect information, and filling in any missing information that could be found.

manydata::compare_dimensions(manyhealth::agreements) %>% 
Dataset Observations Variables Earliest_Date Latest_Date
WHO 108 manyID, treatyID, Title, Begin, Organisation, Topic, Lineage, whoID 1948-01-01 1948-12-31
GHHR 149 manyID, treatyID, Title, Begin, Region, LegalStatus, Lineage, ghhrID 1930-01-01 1930-12-31
HUGGO 252 manyID, treatyID, Title, Begin, Signature, Force, End, Formal, TreatyText, url, Source, Comments, Topic 1930-06-28 9999-12-31

For instance, the WHO dataset, which contains data that was scraped automatically from the WHO MiNDBANK database online, has the latest date as 4313-12-31. For this observation with the year ‘4313’ in the WHO dataset, “Human Rights Council Resolution A/HRC/RES/43/13 Mental Health and Human Rights”, the precise and accurate adoption date has been manually verified and included in the HUGGO dataset as 2020-06-19. With manual coding, the HUGGO dataset provides more precise and accurate data than what was obtained from webpage scraping.

Extending from data in the agreements datacube, the memberships datacube contains 1 dataset (HUGGO_MEM) with hand-coded data of 39,000 observations on state memberships to international health instruments. This is, to our knowledge, the first such dataset available.

The references datacube contains 2 datasets (WHO_REF and GHHR_REF) with 289 observations on the lineages between international health instruments.

The organizations datacube contains 3 datasets (CHATHAM, IHEID, GHS) with a total of 530 observations. The datacube contains data on organizations involved in international health governance.

manydata::compare_dimensions(manyhealth::organizations) %>% 
Dataset Observations Variables Earliest_Date Latest_Date
CHATHAM 203 organizationID, Organization, Begin, City, State, Type, Health_as_primary_intent 1975-02-08 1975-02-08
IHEID 124 organizationID, Organization, Begin, Areas, City 1863-01-01 1863-12-31
GHS 203 organizationID, Organization, Begin, City, State, URL, Type, Health as primary intent? 1864-01-01 1864-12-31


The agreements datacube is an ensemble of data on international health instruments. The datasets in this datacube provide an overview of all international instruments that govern the global health sphere. With the agreements data, we can see for example all the health treaties signed in a specific year, or all WHO instruments adopted during a year. The HUGGO dataset contains handcoded data with more precise dates of adoption and, where applicable, entry into force for each instrument, as well as the broad topic of each instrument and identifies whether the instrument is formal/legally-binding, or not.

manyhealth::agreements$WHO[,c(1:5)] %>% 
  dplyr::filter(Begin == "2010") %>% 
manyID treatyID Title Begin Organisation
EM06SD_2010O3 EM06SD_2010O3 EMRC57R3 Maternal Child And Adolescent Mental Health Challenges And Strategic Directions 2010-2015 2010 WHO Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean
CDRSPH_2010R2 CDRSPH_2010R2 Resolution CD50R2 Strategy On Substance Use And Public Health 2010 PAHO
MA04DG_2010O MA04DG_2010O Monitoring Of The Achievement Of The Health-related Millennium Development Goals 2010 World Health Organization
PRVCCD_2010O PRVCCD_2010O Prevention And Control Of Non-communicable Diseases 2010 United Nations
RMDGPD_2010O RMDGPD_2010O Realizing The Millennium Development Goals For Persons With Disabilities 2010 United Nations
WHGRHA_2010S WHGRHA_2010S WHA6313 Global Strategy To Reduce The Harmful Use Of Alcohol 2010 World Health Organization

manyhealth::agreements$GHHR[,c(1:5)] %>% 
  dplyr::filter(Begin == "1948") %>% 
manyID treatyID Title Begin Region
AMDRDM_1948R AMDRDM_1948R American Declaration Of The Rights And Duties Of Man 1948 Americas
CHROAS_1948A CHROAS_1948A Charter Of The Organization Of American States (OAS) 1948 Americas
PRVPCG_1948A PRVPCG_1948A Convention On The Prevention And Punishment Of The Crime Of Genocide 1948 Universal
UNVDHR_1948R UNVDHR_1948R Universal Declaration Of Human Rights 1948 Universal

manyhealth::agreements$HUGGO[,c(1:5, 8, 13)] %>% 
  dplyr::filter(messydates::year(Begin) == "1990") %>% 
manyID treatyID Title Begin Signature Formal Topic
CG08IS_1990R15 CG08IS_1990R15 CEDAW General Recommendation No 15 Avoidance Of Discrimination Against Women In National Strategies For The Prevention And Control Of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) 1990-02-02 1990-02-02 0 protection
CDGRFC_1990R14 CDGRFC_1990R14 CEDAW General Recommendation No 14 Female Circumcision 1990-02-03 1990-02-03 0 protection
SFCWIC_1990A SFCWIC_1990A Convention Concerning Safety In The Use Of Chemicals At Work (ILO Chemicals Convention 1990 (No 170)) 1990-06-25 1990-06-25 1 labour
NGWINW_1990A NGWINW_1990A Convention Concerning Night Work (ILO Night Work Convention 1990 (No 171)) 1990-06-26 1990-06-26 1 labour
AFCRWC_1990A AFCRWC_1990A African Charter On The Rights And Welfare Of The Child 1990-07-01 1990-07-01 1 human rights
CP04RW_1990A CP04RW_1990A Code Of Practice On The International Transboundary Movement Of Radioactive Waste 1990-09-21 1990-09-21 0 pollution
CRCSDC_1990R CRCSDC_1990R Caracas Declaration 1990-11-14 1990-11-14 0 mental health
GRCPDF_1990R GRCPDF_1990R Guidelines For The Regulation Of Computerized Personal Data Files 1990-12-14 1990-12-14 0 healthcare
UN04DL_1990R UN04DL_1990R United Nations Rules For The Protection Of Juveniles Deprived Of Their Liberty 1990-12-14 1990-12-14 0 protection
IP04MF_1990A IP04MF_1990A International Convention On The Protection Of The Rights Of All Migrant Workers And Members Of Their Families (ICRMW) 1990-12-18 1990-12-18 1 human rights


The memberships datacube contains hand-coded data on states’ memberships to instruments governing the global health sphere. The HUGGO_MEM dataset includes specific adoption/signature (‘StateSignature’), ratification (‘StateRat’), entry into force (‘StateForce’), and termination (‘StateEnd’) dates for each state during its membership to an agreement. States that have predecessor or successor entities since 1945 are also identified in the Succession variable.

manyhealth::memberships$HUGGO_MEM[,c(1:4, 8:11, 15)] %>% 
  dplyr::filter(messydates::year(Begin) == "2005" & stateID == "CHE") %>% 
manyID Title Begin stateID StateForce StateEnd Rat=Notif Accession Force
MH05BS_2005R Mental Health Declaration For Europe Facing The Challenges Building Solutions 2005-01-14 CHE NA 9999-12-31 NA NA NA
STRAHA_2005A Strengthening Active And Healthy Ageing 2005-01-22 CHE NA 9999-12-31 NA NA NA
IPAARI_2005A International Plan Of Action On Ageing Report On Implementation 2005-04-14 CHE NA 9999-12-31 NA NA NA
INTRHR_2005R International Health Regulations (2005) 2005-05-23 CHE NA 9999-12-31 NA NA 2007-06-15
AA09MD_2005R Accelerating Achievement Of The Internationally Agreed Health-related Development Goals Including Those Contained In The Millennium Declaration 2005-05-25 CHE NA 9999-12-31 NA NA NA
DSIPMR_2005O Disability Including Prevention Management And Rehabilitation 2005-05-25 CHE NA 9999-12-31 NA NA NA
PHPCHA_2005O Public-health Problems Caused By Harmful Use Of Alcohol 2005-05-25 CHE NA 9999-12-31 NA NA NA
EMRCSD_20O5 EMRC52R52005 Substance Use And Dependence 2005-09 CHE NA 9999-12-31 NA NA NA
ECBGPH_2005O Enhancing Capacity-building In Global Public Health 2005-11-30 CHE NA 9999-12-31 NA NA NA
IW09PD_2005S Implementation Of The World Programme Of Action Concerning Disabled Persons Realizing The Millennium Development Goals For Persons With Disabilities 2005-12-16 CHE NA 9999-12-31 NA NA NA

Using the memberships data, we can explore the degree of overlap among states’ membership to international health instruments. For example, are members of the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) likely to be members of the same formal international health agreements? The graph below shows that there is a high degree of overlap in the formal international health agreements joined by some of PAHO’s largest state members (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, and the United States) in the 2000s.

pahoIDs <- c("ARG", "BRA", "CAN", "MEX", "PER", "VEN", "USA")
formal <- manyhealth::agreements$HUGGO %>%
  dplyr::filter(Begin > "1999" & Begin < "2010") %>%
  dplyr::filter(Formal == 1) %>%
  dplyr::select(manyID, treatyID) %>%
net <- manyhealth::memberships$HUGGO_MEM %>%
  dplyr::select(manyID, stateID, Title, Begin) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(year = messydates::year(Begin)) %>%
  dplyr::filter(year > "1999" & year < "2010") %>%
  dplyr::filter(stateID %in% pahoIDs) %>%
  dplyr::distinct() %>%
  dplyr::select(manyID, stateID) %>%
  dplyr::filter(manyID %in% formal$manyID) %>%
  as_tidygraph() %>%
  mutate(type = ifelse(stringr::str_detect(name, "[:digit:]{4}"), FALSE, TRUE))
max <- which(node_is_max(migraph::node_degree(net)))
net %>%
  mutate_ties(mem = ifelse(from %in% max, "all", "selective")) %>%
  autographr(layout = "hierarchy", edge_color = "mem")


The organizations datacube lists different actors playing a role in global health governance, such as NGOs, IGOs or associations. These actors are identified in the datasets with the organizationID and Organization variables. The datasets also contain the date of establishment (listed in the Begin variable) and headquarters location (City and/or State variables) of these actors.

manyhealth::organizations$GHS %>% 
  dplyr::filter(messydates::year(Begin) == "2000") %>% 
organizationID Organization Begin City State URL Type Health as primary intent?
AGH Accordia Global Health Foundation 2000 Washington, DC USA 6 Yes
AFM Africa Fighting Malaria 2000 Durban South Africa 6 Yes
BMG Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 2000 Seattle, WA USA 5 No
FIF Firelight Foundation 2000 Santa Cruz, CA USA 6 No
FSF Fistula Foundation 2000 San Jose, CA USA 6 Yes
GAT Global Alliance for TB Drug Development 2000 New York City, NY USA 4 Yes
UFS Unite for Sight 2000 New Haven, CT USA 6 Yes

manyhealth::organizations$IHEID %>% 
  dplyr::filter(messydates::year(Begin) == "1990") %>% 
organizationID Organization Begin Areas City
ERS European Respiratory Society 1990 NA Lausanne
ICH International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use 1990 International harmonization of technical guidelines, Registration of pharmaceuticals, Access to medicines Geneva
WSSCC Water Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council 1990 Sanitation, Hygiene, Menstrual Health & Hygiene, WASH, Advocacy and mobilization, Global Sanitation Fund Geneva

Using the organizations data, we can visualise the organizations that are based in a specific city or work in a specific area. The following graph illustrates the network of health organizations based in the city of Geneva, and highlights whether their primary mandate is in health governance. From the graph, we can see that only 4 organizations are not working primarily in the health domain.

aim <- manyhealth::organizations$GHS %>%
  dplyr::filter(City == "Geneva") %>%
  dplyr::select(`Health as primary intent?`) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(`Health as primary intent?` = ifelse(`Health as primary intent?` == "Yes",
                                                     "Health", "Other")) %>%
  as.vector() %>%
manyhealth::organizations$GHS %>%
  dplyr::filter(City == "Geneva") %>%
  dplyr::select(Organization, City) %>%
  as_tidygraph() %>%
  mutate(aim = c(aim, NA)) %>%
  autographr(node_color = "aim")


The references datacube was coded from agreement texts and identifies the relationships among agreements. Treaties are referenced in the dataset with their manyIDs in variables Treaty1 and Treaty2. The relationship between each pair of treaties is coded in the variable RefType.

manyhealth::references$GHHR_REF[1:10,] %>% 
  dplyr::filter(RefType == "Cites") %>%
Treaty1 Treaty2 RefType
CG06CR_2009O20:CG06CR_2009O20 INEFRD_1965A Cites
CG06CR_2009O20:CG06CR_2009O20 ELMFDW_1979A Cites
CG06CR_2009O20:CG06CR_2009O20 RLTNSR_1951A Cites
CG06CR_2009O20:CG06CR_2009O20 RGHTSC_1989A Cites
AAHNMA_2008R41 AH05HP_2008P Cites
AH05HP_2008P PH09RB_1997A Cites
CGCRSS_2008O19:CGCRSS_2008O19 INEFRD_1965A Cites
CGCRSS_2008O19:CGCRSS_2008O19 ELMFDW_1979A Cites

manyhealth::references$WHO_REF[1:10,] %>% 
  dplyr::filter(RefType == "Cites") %>% 
Treaty1 Treaty2 RefType
WG11CL_2012R54 GLDPAH_2004S Cites
WG11CL_2012R54 WGRHUA_2010S Cites
WG11CL_2012R54 HLTPDA_2014O:HLTPDA_2014O Cites
EP06HE_2021O WCMHAP_2013R72 Cites
WCMHAP_2013R72 FP10CD_2013R Cites
WCMHAP_2013R72 WCMHAP_2013R68 Cites
WCMHAP_2013R72 WGRHUA_2010S Cites
DW05AP_2013R WGRHUA_2010S Cites
DW05AP_2013R WCMHAP_2013R68 Cites

With this information we can, for example, get to treaty lineages. The code below illustrates how to extract a sample of treaties from the references datacube and how we can use manynet to plot treaties that cite other treaties. The first graph employs data from the GHHR_REF dataset, tracing the lineages of treaties that cite the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. There is a significant amount of overlap between health and human rights issues in some of these agreements.

set1 <- manyhealth::references$GHHR_REF %>% 
  dplyr::distinct() %>%
  dplyr::filter(Treaty2 == "UNVDHR_1948R")
set2 <- manyhealth::references$GHHR_REF %>% 
  dplyr::distinct() %>%
  dplyr::filter(Treaty2 %in% set1$Treaty1 & Treaty1 %in% set1$Treaty1)
set2treaties <- c(set2$Treaty1)
data <- dplyr::bind_rows(set1, set2)
as_tidygraph(data) %>%
  mutate(year = as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(name, "[:digit:]{4}")),
         color = ifelse(name == "UNVDHR_1948R",
                        "Universal Declaration of Human Rights",
                        ifelse(name %in% set2treaties,
                               "Cites other treaties",
                               "Cites UNVDHR only"))) %>%
  autographr(layout = "lineage", rank = "year", node_color = "color") +
  scale_color_centres() +
  labs(title = "Lineages of Agreements Citing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights",
       subtitle = "GHHR Dataset",
       caption = "Source: manyhealth")

The second graph below illustrate lineages of a sample of treaties from World Health Organization (WHO) dataset. It includes mostly resolutions, decisions and conventions adopted under the auspices of the WHO.

set1 <- manyhealth::references$WHO_REF %>% 
  dplyr::distinct() %>%
  dplyr::filter(Treaty2 == "FRMWTC_2003A" |
                  Treaty2 == "GLDPAH_2004S" | Treaty2 == "GLPCND_2000S")
set2 <- manyhealth::references$WHO_REF %>% 
  dplyr::distinct() %>%
  dplyr::filter(Treaty2 %in% set1$Treaty1 & Treaty1 %in% set1$Treaty1)
data <- dplyr::bind_rows(set1, set2)
as_tidygraph(data) %>%
  mutate(type = ifelse(name == "FRMWTC_2003A" | name == "GLDPAH_2004S" |
                         name == "GLPCND_2000S", TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
  autographr(node_color = "type", node_size = 0.2) +
  scale_color_iheid(guide="none") +
  labs(title = "Treaty Lineage of Selected Agreements from WHO",
       caption = "Source: manyhealth") +

For more information on how to interpret manyIDs, please read this vignette from {manypkgs} package. For access to more data and information on our other “many” packages, please see manydata.