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manyhealth 0.3.1



  • Fixes to imports and suggests to ensure website builds properly.
  • Updated vignette with new plot for memberships data.


  • Re-ordered variables in HUGGO_MEM for clarity, moving the state-specific dates in front
  • Renamed ‘StateRat’ to ‘StateRatification’ to be consistent with other many data packages.

manyhealth 0.3.0



  • Added memberships to pkgdown.yml for website.
  • Updated vignette with data from memberships datacube and used new graphing functions from manynet.


  • Closed #25 by renaming Beg variable Begin across all datasets.
  • Closed #29 by adding a Formal variable in HUGGO dataset to distinguish between formal agreements and other non-legally binding resolutions, declarations, etc.
  • Closed #24 by recoding End dates for all agreements, so that agreements that are known to be still in force are coded ‘9999-12-31’ rather than NA.
  • Closed #18 by adding HUGGO_MEM dataset and memberships database.
  • Closed #26 by updating the state names and stateIDs in the HUGGO_MEM dataset, so that stateIDs are unique and names are standardised.
  • Closed #28 by adding a Succession variable in HUGGO_MEM to indicate the states that have a predecessor or successor since 1945.
  • Added an Accession variable in HUGGO_MEM that records the date of accession to each agreement for states.
  • Closed #30 by adding date of deposit as a proxy for date of ratification in variable StateRat.
  • Added raw treaty texts in plain text format to HUGGO/TreatyTexts folder in the agreements database.

manyhealth 0.2.0



  • Closed #14 by adding GHS (short for Global Health System) dataset by Hoffman and Cole (2018) in the organisations database
  • Closed #15 by adding HUGGO dataset, based on a consolidated version of the GHHR and WHO datasets in the agreements database.
  • Closed #16 by adding contributions to the HUGGO dataset, including the addition and verification of metadata (Title and dates – Beg, Signature, Force, and End – variables) and sources/url links of treaty texts.
  • Removed texts database. Treaty texts are in the process of being incorporated into the agreements database in the HUGGO dataset. This release excludes the treaty texts as they are being formatted and stored as .txt files to facilitate future use.

manyhealth 0.1.1



  • Added a vignette to present data package


  • Closed #5 by web scraping agreements data
  • Closed #6 by web scraping WHO agreements data

Created texts database * Added treaty texts from WHO by web scraping data * Added treaty texts from GHHR by web scraping data

Created references database * Added GHHR_REF dataset by hand-coding “cites” relationships between treaty texts

manyhealth 0.1.0



  • Renamed package from qHealth to manyhealth
  • Fixed #3 by changing the logo and updated references from qData to manydata


  • Closed #2 by creating the actors database with the CHATHAM dataset